Elder abusing driver
I am a 59 year old coma survivor.. I live alone. My neighbor apparently drives for you. How ironic. He constantly throws things in my yard. Yesterday it was palm fronds from the wind. The only footprints on my yard are from me.. trimming the grass he blames on me watering my tree. He did not cover where his grass was. It has been raining. I broke both left leg bones in half after being a coma survivor. One year plus in a wheelchair with no shower. When you spend over a year in a wheelchair in your fifties you don’t get up and walk. My leg was set and allowed to heal crooked so I fall on uneven ground. Anyway your elder abusing driver cleaned up his yard by throwing all the wind blown palm fronds in my yard AGAIN. My garbage can is full from me taking out bushes in my planter. I can’t be his yard boy anymore. Do background checks on your employees! He is a racist. Elder abuser. I know he painted his van with your info and phone number. That’s a bad look for a social media video. You can do better. Metro won’t respond to this. I won’t bother them…but what are you thinking having this dude around adult day care?